President’s Message

Terry DohertyJune 2024

It is time for the final curtain call, time to say Goodbye, Farewell. It has been an amazing journey for myself, my family and all the friends I have met along the way. I can’t believe it is down to one final message from me, about the OIAA and my presidential year. Everyone who has been in this position before told me that it would be over in the blink of an eye, and it has.

It feels like I just kicked butt in Go-Karts last week, just kidding; I won because 1st and 2nd took each other out and I just happened to sneak by but I will take it, a win is a WIN!

Being a part of this special group of people and being President, is something I will always cherish. I knew I wanted to be President from the 1st day I went to my 1st delegate meeting in Toronto. I saw everyone sitting around the table and discussing ways to improve the organization and the events planed to bring people together to network and educate them about the importance of knowing one and other.

I owe my journey to Simone Cybulski, she convinced me to become the delegate when she was moving up to the Sr. Executive of the OIAA. Unfortunately, Simone didn’t get the Presidential year she deserved, but we know and love everything she did and tried to do in her year. It all started with the TIAA, Thousand Islands Adjusters Association. The TIAA is an amazing chapter, and I am looking forward to going back after my term as Past President to help the TIAA once again.

I am most proud of WP Radio, I started this OIAA podcast in 2017, and my 1st guest was then President of the OIAA, Jennifer Graham. The podcast continues to grow and change, and I love that about the OIAA. My favorite day of the year for podcasting is the Claims Conference, I get to speak to old friends, meet new friends and find out what is happening now and into the future. The guests are always so interesting and bring such energy and flair to each interview. I am already looking forward to next year’s interviews.

Looking forward, I am very excited to see what Shawna has in store for us next year, you know it is going to be great. She is surrounded by some powerful ladies, Jennifer Brown, Emily Feindel, Carrie Keogh and Christine Andrews; just to name a few. I want to thank everyone who helped make 2023-2024 a raging success, mostly I want to thank Kyle Case for his mentorship and guidance as he now steps back from Past President and likely back to the LCA in some capacity.

Congrats to our charity, MacKids and to Michael Cardillo, Brittany Hand and the wonderful Gianna Cardillo. They are an incredible family, who allowed us into their lives to share a bit of the strength and courage it takes to deal with very sick child and still be able to stand up everyday and deal with the rest of what life brings your way.

I will leave you with a quote from my favorite author,

“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened” -Dr Seuss

With that, I say Goodbye, enjoy your summer; be safe and see you at the next OIAA event.

Terence Doherty,

Accident Reconstructionist-Level 3
Ontario Insurance Adjusters Association
Phone: 613-650-7880
